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Installation Ice Age

  - in Konsum shop in Baitz, 1995
Starting point for the installation in the Konsum shop in the village of Baitz in Brandenburg was the furniture of the shop, which had been used during the former operation of that shop in the GDR. There were two big chest freezers, model Grönland (Greenland), and one tall refrigerator, which looked like a wardrobe, model Grönland (Greenland) too.

Initial approach was to get these iceboxes again to work. They were filled with stones from the moraine landscape of Baitz and surroundings. You find these stones at the borders of the fields, where the farmers have picked them up from the fields and by the work of many years have piled them up. These stones were freezed together with water in the refrigerators.

  Stones, Installation in Konsum shop, Baitz, 1995
Installation in Konsum shop Baitz, 1995, Photo: Rolf Langebartels


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