Rolf Langebartels
Internetproject Soundbag

update from April 1st, 2020
Warning Bell, Cathedral of Notre Dame, Lausanne
The Warning Bell of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Lausanne is chimed
At the Cathedral of Notre Dame in the Swiss city of Lausanne at Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) Renato Häusler works with a contract of a night watchman and calls each night from 10pm until 2am the full hours and chimes the particular bell.

Actually, he chimes in addition a symbolic warning alarm by one bell shortly after his 10pm turn.

Three beats, a pause, six beats, a pause, three beats and a pause. In total, he repeats this rhythm for three minutes.

This sequence is the historical and hundreds of years old warning signal, already documented since 1405, used when the city of Lausanne was threatened by danger, for instance by a large fire.

Night watchman Renato Häusler intends to call on the inhabitants to solidarity during the time of Corona-Pandemia and encourage them anew with a reference to the historical alarm.

SOUNDBAG is an internet project by Rolf Langebartels. A collection of items relating to Sound Art and Audio Art. Contributions are welcome. Please send them to the email address below.
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